Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So my friend Crystal and I went to Galveston this past weekend. It was a random, spontaneous trip, and when we were leaving at 4am so that we could see the sunrise I wondered why in the world we thought this was a good idea. It was a great time, though, and spent with an equally as
great friend! I was reminded today of another reason for our trip, though. The Lord showed me something that I was supposed to share with my friend today!

Our trip to Galveston was early, and we didn't even see the sunrise because it was so foggy, but it was amazing to see a part of history. There were some buildings that were completely restored and back to normal but some that were missing whole walls or even just the stairs left leading up to a non-existent beach house. What a terrible disaster. Crystal
and I made the most of it though, and tried to take some cool pictures for my graduation invitations but it was insanely windy! We were walking on the beach just far enough into the ocean that only an inch or two covers your feet, or the occasional bigger wave that goes up to your shins. I ran a little ahead with Pnut trying to get her to exercise and I sensed the kind of peace that only comes upon you when you're thinking about the Lord. (I imagine this is a lame worldly version of what it was like for Adam and Eve to walk and talk with God in the cool of the evening) Then I looked out in the ocean and in my heart I said, "Lord, thank you for making such an amazing world! It is so beautiful! (yes, even Galveston! -- I didn't think the Galveston comment then, but just now I did) Show me something about you! I am here!" And at that moment I felt refreshed by the water on my feet and I was reminded of how the Lord molds us and teaches us.
It is like the waves! The ocean is so huge, and just this little bit at a time is coming up to the surface. If He threw it all at us at once, we wouldn't be able to handle it! It would be way too overwhelming, and the results would be catastrophic! It would be a HURRICANE! Man! The Lord really knows what he's doing, eh? Almost everyday I'm remdinded of how glad I am that God is WAYYYYYY smarter than me. I mean, there's no way I could have come up with giraffes! ;)